Beauty and functionality is my main priority.
Love grows best in little houses, with fewer walls to separate.
Where you eat and sleep so close together, you can’t help but communicate.
And if we had more room between us, think of all we’d miss.
Love grows best in houses just like this. - Little Houses, Doug Stone
The first time I read this quote, I felt like the author must have been standing in my living room.
We’d moved 4 times in 5 years (all around Astoria, NY) and I. WAS. OVER. IT.
Move #4 gave me an opportunity to start over - to make the kind of home I had longed to create. It was mine and I was going to make the most of the small spaces I had to work with. Beauty AND functionality were my main priorities, and I loved figuring it all out.
It wasn’t until I had friends start asking me for help and sharing their frustrations about their homes and the anxiety it brought that I fell in love with the idea of helping people (especially moms) just like me - women desperate to ENJOY and THRIVE in the space they live in and see it come to LIFE!
As a mom of 4 living in NYC, I understand this desire deeply. My goal for you as a client will always be to find out what works best for YOU. No two apartments are alike, no two families function the same.
Are you sorting through the belongings of a loved one after grief? Having a set of eyes and hands to walk through these items together can be life saving.
Longing to create a space for you or your family to thrive? Let’s work together to think creatively about your space and how it can work best for you.
As a decorator and organizer, I’m honored you’d take the time to consider Simple Space.